workout of the day
"Devil's playground"
for time
100 single arm devil's press 50/35 35/20
E2MOM 10 sit ups
Block 3- eccentrics
Back squat 4 sets of 1 rep @50X1 at 80%
"Devil's playground"
for time
100 single arm devil's press 50/35 35/20
E2MOM 10 sit ups
"Holiday Recovery"
Team of 3
Row for max distance
one person rows, two work on the AMRAP
20:00 AMRAP
10 sandbag cleans- clean to the shoulder and release one hand
14 burpee box jump overs 24/20"
20 single arm devil's press 50/35 35/20
Your team has two scores. One max distance in meters and then rounds + reps.
Warm Up
6:00 machine of choice- every 1:30 complete 5 air squats + 3 push ups
2 sets
prone swimmers x 30 seconds
bird dogs x 30 seconds
banded hamstring curls x 15 reps
"Holiday Recovery"
Team of 3
Row for max distance
one person rows, two work on the AMRAP
20:00 AMRAP
10 sandbag cleans- clean to the shoulder and release one hand
14 burpee box jump overs 24/20"
20 single arm devil's press 50/35 35/20
Your team has two scores. One max distance in meters and then rounds + reps.
10 Dumbbell Box Step-ups
14 Single Arm Devil's Press
15 Dumbbell Box Step-ups
14 Single Arm Devil's Press
20 Dumbbell Box Step-ups
14 Single Arm Devil's Press
25 Dumbbell Box Step-ups
14 Single Arm Devil's Press
30 Dumbbell Box Step-ups
14 Single Arm Devil's Press
Add 5 Dumbbell Box Step-ups Each Round
Weights: 50/35 40/30 35/25
Warm Up
9:00 EMOM
min 1- row for calories for the full minute
min 2- 30 seconds yoga push ups
min 3- 30 seconds straight leg hip bridge https://youtu.be/nFJnYcixGVo
10:00 EMOM
mins 0-4 2 reps@ 75%
mins 5-10 1 rep @80%
super set
3 rounds
A. single leg glute bridges x 10/leg- bodyweight
B. curtsy squats x 8/leg- add load
10 Dumbbell Box Step-ups
14 Single Arm Devil's Press
15 Dumbbell Box Step-ups
14 Single Arm Devil's Press
20 Dumbbell Box Step-ups
14 Single Arm Devil's Press
25 Dumbbell Box Step-ups
14 Single Arm Devil's Press
30 Dumbbell Box Step-ups
14 Single Arm Devil's Press
Add 5 Dumbbell Box Step-ups Each Round
Weights: 50/35 40/30 35/25
09.28.2022 Partner WOD
with a partner
17:00 time cap
100 cals bike
100 single arm devil's press 50/35 35/20
100 cals row
100 burpee over bar
remaining time max reps strict hspu
Warm Up
2 sets
Run 200m
20 steps DB death march
5-7 reps scap push up to downdog
5-7 reps each side Cossack squats
Strict September
2 sets of 20 pull ups
divide into sets- assist your pull up for larger sets
add weight if you need to make it more challenging
with a partner
17:00 time cap
100 cals bike
100 single arm devil's press 50/35 35/20
100 cals row
100 burpee over bar
remaining time max reps strict hspu
3 sets
A. hamstring curls x 20 reps
B. suitcase carry x 50 feet each arm
C. pallof press x 15 each side