workout of the day
09.14.19 Bring A Friend Day
with a partner- divide reps- one work, one rest unless stated
30/24 cals row
10 strict TTB or hanging knee raises
4 wall walks
100m farmer carry (each partner completes 50m) 53/35 each hand
400m Run- together
*wall walks start from a plank position on the floor walking to nose-to-wall position and back down
*strict TTB means no swing
with a partner- divide reps- one work, one rest unless stated
30/24 cals row
10 strict TTB or hanging knee raises
4 wall walks
100m farmer carry (each partner completes 50m) 53/35 each hand
400m Run- together
*wall walks start from a plank position on the floor walking to nose-to-wall position and back down
*strict TTB means no swing
Mobility Challenge
Spend 1 minute pigeon pose (R)
Spend 1 minute pigeon pose (L)
Spend 2 minutes seated cross shin pose (R)
Spend 2 minutes seated cross shin pose (L)
Spend 3 minutes saddle pose
Spend 2 minutes puppy dog pose
Warm Up3 Sets - 6-8 Single Leg Kettlebell Deadlift/leg- KB in each arm at your side
20 Frog Pumps
15sec Single Arm Ring Plank per Arm
10 Single Leg Box Step Down/leg (low box 8-12")
Skill: Back squat cluster sets @ 80-95%
1.1; rest 15sec between singles with the bar on the rack; 5 sets; rest 2mins between sets.
(build weight with each set -in this case, you will perform 1 tough rep, place the bar on the rack for 15sec, then perform your second tough rep of the set. Each set has 2 reps that are performed at tough loads, but the break in between reps ensure quality as compared to doing them back to back without a break.)
WOD 4 Rounds- not timed 5 tire flips 10 (5 each side) lateral med ball throws to brick wall 5 strict TTB or slow leg raises from the floor to the rig and back
Warm Up400m bike/row/run
2 sets of the following- move slowly and deliberately 10- 5 each side- single arm KB racked squat- hand should be right next to chest holding KB 12 banded monster walks (forward and backward) 30 sec forearm plank
Mobility Psoas March: 20 reps (10 each leg)
Russian baby makers x 10 reps
Skill: stamina squats week 3- weight is based on front squat 1 RM for both
12:00 EMOM
min 1- 2 front squats @ 66%
min 2- 4 back squats
3 Rounds Not Timed
Sled push 20m (our ramp to the pylon) - if inside, reverse sled drag one length of the gym with mini-sleds and straps.- use aggressive weight
5 renegade rows- use moderate DB weight
5 strict TTB
20 sec wall facing hold