workout of the day

Daily WOD Teresa Briest Daily WOD Teresa Briest


"Don't Answer"
4 rounds for time
15 cals row
5 touch and go (TNG) power cleans 135/95 115/75 95/65
20 wall balls 20/14
5 TNG power cleans
15 cals row
Rest 2:00

Warm Up
2 sets
100m run
5 yoga push ups
100 feet dual DB OH carry
10 dual DB strict press
20 med ball chest passes

A. bench press 4 x 3 reps @80%
B. banded tricep push downs x 15 reps

"Don't Answer"
4 rounds for time
15 cals row
5 touch and go (TNG) power cleans 135/95 115/75 95/65
20 wall balls 20/14
5 TNG power cleans
15 cals row
Rest 2:00

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Daily WOD Teresa Briest Daily WOD Teresa Briest


3 RFT- DB weight 40/25#
Row 250m
6 manmakers- row R+ row L+ push up + squat clean + push press
Bike 10/8 cals
12 devil's press- burpee with DB swing to overhead

Warm Up
3 sets ofRun 200m
10 curtsy squats
6 half kneeling single arm KB press/arm 

4 sets of 6-8 reps
RNT (Reactive Neuromuscular Training) split squat
start with no weight and try to build light DB load each hand
**RNT exercises are used to fix knee cave. The use of a band that pulls the body into a bad position, basically feeding the problem, which causes the body to learn how to correct for the problem by turning the lateral glutes on at the right time to keep the knees in line with the foot

Primer: shoulder warm up

Clean Primer:
4 sets of the complex at 35%of 1RM power clean
1 clean pull
3 tall cleans
1 hang power clean
1 power clean

Skill: power cleans
Touch-n-Go power cleans with light weight
5:00 EMOM

5 reps @ 50-65%

3 RFT- DB weight 40/25#
Row 250m
6 manmakers- row R+ row L+ push up + squat clean + push press
Bike 10/8 cals
12 devil's press- burpee with DB swing to overhead (use this to view what a devil's press looks like)

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