workout of the day
"Scrambled Eggs"
10:00 AMRAP
3 bar/ring muscle ups or 6 dips (box, banded, or ring dips)
4 wall walks
5 shuttle runs, 1= out and back 25'
Handstand Primer
A. seated plate presses- legs straight out pressing a plate overhead- use the lats x 10 reps
B. box piked hold to walk out to a tall plank x 5 reps
C. Nose to wall handstand hold x 30 seconds
Handstand skills
A. 3 sets
5 donkey kicks to wall
rest 30 seconds
3 wall walks + 1 wall facing strict HSPU negative
B. 3 sets of 20 reps handstand marching on wall or on box (10/side)
"Scrambled Eggs"
10:00 AMRAP
3 bar/ring muscle ups or 6 dips (box, banded, or ring dips)
4 wall walks
5 shuttle runs, 1= out and back 25'
"What a Cluster"
for time
clusters 95/65 75/55 45/35
8 sets of 2 reps @83%
between sets complete one of the following
A. 2 sHSPU
B. 1 wall walk
C. 25 feet handstand walk
"What a Cluster"
for time
clusters 95/65 75/55 45/35
02.04.2023 Jump-N-Rope seminar/ Partner WOD
"Filthiest Forty"
brought to you by Provin Ground
40 rounds with a partner
"you go, I go"
1 ring muscle up/bmu/c2b pull up or pull up
1 clean and jerk 135/95
1 wall walk
3 rounds
30 single or double unders
5 donkey kicks on wall
5 ring swings + 5 snap pulls + 5 peakaboo swings
5 scap pull ups + 5 kip swings + 5 air chair swings
3 clean & jerks at empty bar, 50%, 60% by round
Rotate through the following drills, not for time, for 3 sets:
Large Ring Swings x 2-6 reps
Snap Pulls x 2-4 reps
Peekaboo Swings x 2-4 reps
"Filthiest Forty"
brought to you by Provin Ground
40 rounds with a partner
"you go, I go"
1 ring muscle up/bmu/c2b pull up or pull up
1 clean and jerk 135/95
1 wall walk
10.11.2022 Partner WOD
"Dream On"
with a partner
12 rounds total
3 clean & jerks @75%
1 ring muscle up or 2 strict pull ups or 3 ring rows
12 rounds total
5 deadlifts @75%
2 wall walks
Warm up
2 sets
Run 200m
Barbell Kang squats x 10 reps
Barbell Clean grip RDLs x 10 reps
Barbell muscle cleans x 10 reps
1. banded front rack stretch x 30 seconds each side
2. wall supported deadbugs x 30 seconds continuous - press hard into the wall
3. supinated band pull aparts x 12 reps with 1-2 second pause at each
4. wrist stretches x 30-60 seconds hitting all positions
6 sets of 1 clean + 2 jerks
1-2 @55%
3-4 @65%
5-6 @75%
"Dream On"
with a partner
12 rounds total
3 clean & jerks @75%
1 ring muscle up or 2 strict pull ups or 3 ring rows
12 rounds total
5 deadlifts @75%
2 wall walks
"The Minnesota Miracle"
15 rounds for time
3 burpee to a target
2 power snatch 115/85 95/65 75/55
1 wall walk
Warm Up
2 rounds
50 single unders
20 band pull aparts
10 PVC Cuban Press
small plates
10 reps of each in a bent over position
A. external rotate + overhead
B. thumbs up front raises
C. palms down front raises
Snatch Warm Up- 3 reps each
1. slow OHS
2. Sots press to stand
3. behind the neck press to OHS
4. snatch extension + pull under
5. power snatch in the pockets
A. 3 sets of high hang power snatch + high hang snatch @50%
B. 3 sets of hang power snatch + hang snatch @60%
C. 3 sets of snatch @70%
"The Minnesota Miracle"
15 rounds for time
3 burpee to a target
2 power snatch 115/85 95/65 75/55
1 wall walk
"How fast can you go?"
hang squat clean 95/65 75/55 45/35
7-5-3 wall walks
At Home
DB hang squat cleans- two dumbbells
7-5-3 wall walks
Warm Up
2 rounds
50 skips around the gym
20-30 second handstand hold
10 each side single arm strict press
10 each side single arm OHS or front rack squat
30 second banded ankle stretch
front squat
5 reps @ 75%
3 reps @ 85%
1 rep @ 90%
1 rep @95%
1 rep @95%
At Home Strength
12:00 EMOM
min 1- curtsy box step downs x 5/leg @30X0
min 2- 20 standing calf raises (10 each side)
min 3- 4-6 reps cyclist goblet squats; @31X1
"How fast can you go?"
hang squat clean 95/65 75/55 45/35
7-5-3 wall walks
At Home
DB hang squat cleans- two dumbbells
7-5-3 wall walks
Post WOD
2-3 sets
10 each side touchdown squats or pistols
wall sit hold 1:00
arch hold 1:00
10:00 EMOM
min 1- 15/12 cal bike
min 2- 3 wall walks
Finisher- arms, hips & core isolation
2-3 sets for Quality
10 seated DB hammer curl
20 lateral banded walks each direction
30 seconds dual DB hollow hold
rest as needed between sets
Warm up
2 sets
200m cardio
10 PVC pass throughs
5 good exhales in the PVC box stretch
30 seconds each side perfect stretch
30 seconds box jump, step down
Primer: squat warm up
2 sets
empty barbell RDL + row x 10 reps
silverbacks x 10 reps
max back squat day
3 @ 50%
2 @ 65%
2 @ 75%
1 @ 85%
1 @ 90%
1 @ 100, 102, 104%
Take 90% of your recent max deadlift and that is your working max
Use your working max deadlift
60% 4 x 10 reps
60% x 10+ reps
10:00 EMOM
min 1- 15/12 cal bike
min 2- 3 wall walks
Finisher- arms, hips & core isolation
2-3 sets for Quality
10 seated DB hammer curl
20 lateral banded walks each direction
30 seconds dual DB hollow hold
rest as needed between sets