Warm Up:
2:00 cardio choice
2 rounds of:
yoga push ups x 5 - from a plank position, drop into a cobra, push back to a downward dog, then to a plank PVC Cuban presses x 10 https://vimeo.com/261204364
half kneeling single arm KB strict press x 6/side
KB goblet squats with a 3 second pause at the bottom x 10
and then …
Bird Dogs x 10 reps
Medicine Ball Hamstring Curls x 10 reps
Reach Thrus x 5 reps https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HTIvqzYOEbg&index=5&
Skill: super set of deadlifts and devil's press
Deadlifts in 3s building load for 5 sets (5 x 3 reps)
Devil's press in between each set of DL x 3 reps with 50/35 35/20 (5 x 3 reps)
Racked bar muscle up drills
1. hollow/arch swings with scooters
2. jump out of pool drill
3. banded hip drives to low racked barbell
4. banded bar muscle up transition drill
For Time
5 bar muscle ups or 8 C2B pull ups or 10 pull ups- banded or not banded
DB Cleans- 50/35 35/20
30 DUs after each set of thrusters
*DBs are in each hand and they start from the ground with one head of the DB touching the floor. They need to come to the shoulders with full hip extension before dropping the weight.