02.12.2020 Partner WOD

Warm Up

2 rounds

MB hamstring curls x 15 repsTouch down squats x 20/side
Barbell bent over rows x 15 reps
Inch worms x 5 reps
Eccentric pull ups x 3 reps as slow as possible

A. box stretch x 5 good breaths

B. deep squat rotation x 8/side  In your bodyweight squat, grab your opposite side foot and drop your 
 shoulder to the ground as you open and rotate your other arm to the sky. .https://www.instagram.com/p/B73qaMegolF/
C. wall taps (or in a plank) x 5 sets each side https://www.instagram.com/p/B6ibljCnSwx/

Upper body work
5:00 EMOM
1 wall walk + plank hold for 10 seconds

5:00 EMOM
wall facing handstand march x 20 reps each hand
*sub handstand marches from the pike position on a box or the floor

WOD  (18:00)
with a partner
8:00 AMRAP
10 S2OH
10 air squats
10 push ups
each rotate rounds

Rest 2:00

8:00 AMRAP
farmers carry for distance AHAP (as heavy as possible)
trade off with your partner at any time
Use farmer carry handles, KBs or DBs



