Warm Up
5 single arm suitcase KB/DB deadlifts Right
5 single arm KB/DB cleans Right
5 single arm KB/DB push press Right
20m single arm KB/DB OH carry Right
repeat all movements on the Left side
10 Prisoner Kang squats
5 yoga push ups
5 each side perfect stretch walk
5 deep squat walk outs + push up
Barbell Complex (use an empty barbell)
Two sets of
3 Clean Grip Romanian Deadlifts
3 Clean Pulls
3 Muscle Cleans
3 Front Squats with a 3 second hold at the bottom
3 Hang Power Cleans
5 rounds for time
500/425m row
5 power cleans @75%
400m run
15 box jump overs 30/24" or 24/20"