Warm Up
2 sets
Run 200m
10 heels elevated squat
10 each side calf raises
4 each side perfect stretch
20-30 second hollow hold
banded ankle stretch x 30 seconds each side
90/90 hip rotations x 30 seconds
standing forward fold to feet together squat hold- 10 second hold on each x 3 sets
A. 5:00 EMOM 1 front squat @ 75%
B. Every 2:00 for 16:00
clean lift off with a pause at knees + power clean + power jerk
build to today's heavy over 8 sets
AMRAP 10:00
Run 200m
9 C2B pull ups or 9 kipping pull ups or 5 strict pull ups
6 HSPU or piked box hspu