workout of the day
"Let Me In"
Every 4:00 for 5 sets
20/14 cals row
10/8 cals bike
6 power cleans 155/105
Every 90 seconds for 6 sets
Hang Power Clean + Power Jerk + Split Jerk
Sets 1-2 @55-65%
Set 3 @65-70%
Set 4 @ 70-75%
Sets 5-6 @ 80%
*Percentages based off Power Jerk, Split Jerk, or Hang Power Clean, whichever is lightest.
"Let Me In"
Every 4:00 for 5 sets
20/14 cals row
10/8 cals bike
6 power cleans 155/105
Barbell EMOM 12:00
min 1- 10 S2OH
min 2- 10 hang power clean
min 3- 10 font squats
*choose a weight so you can do each minute unbroken
Clean & Jerk
A. every 2:00 for 16:00- take 3 sets as warm up weights then complete the 8 sets
clean lift off with pause @ knee
clean pull
power clean
power jerk
set 1-3@ 70-75%
set 4-6@ 75-80%
set 7-8@ 80%+
Barbell EMOM 12:00
min 1- 10 S2OH
min 2- 10 hang power clean
min 3- 10 font squats
*choose a weight so you can do each minute unbroken
AMRAP 10:00
Run 200m
9 C2B pull ups or 9 kipping pull ups or 5 strict pull ups
6 HSPU or piked box hspu
Warm Up
2 sets
Run 200m
10 heels elevated squat
10 each side calf raises
4 each side perfect stretch
20-30 second hollow hold
banded ankle stretch x 30 seconds each side
90/90 hip rotations x 30 seconds
standing forward fold to feet together squat hold- 10 second hold on each x 3 sets
A. 5:00 EMOM 1 front squat @ 75%
B. Every 2:00 for 16:00
clean lift off with a pause at knees + power clean + power jerk
build to today's heavy over 8 sets
AMRAP 10:00
Run 200m
9 C2B pull ups or 9 kipping pull ups or 5 strict pull ups
6 HSPU or piked box hspu
3 rounds
8 deadlfts 155/105 115/85 95/65
7 hang power cleans
6 front squat
Farmer Carry 50m heavy-ish
2 rounds
7 deadlifts
6 hang power cleans
5 front squats
Farmer Carry 50m
1 round
6 deadlifts
5 hang power cleans
4 front squats
Farmer Carry 50m
Warm Up
3 sets
10 banded rows- use the longer, lighter bands -orange or black
10 banded curls
10 banded pull aparts
30 second table top hold
every 75 seconds for 6 sets
2 push press
1 pause power jerk- pause 2 seconds at the dip and at the receiving position
1 power jerk
build in load with good form- start at 55-60% 1RM push press
3 rounds
8 deadlfts 155/105 115/85 95/65
7 hang power cleans
6 front squat
Farmer Carry 50m heavy-ish
2 rounds
7 deadlifts
6 hang power cleans
5 front squats
Farmer Carry 50m
1 round
6 deadlifts
5 hang power cleans
4 front squats
Farmer Carry 50m
"I know how chaos starts"
For time
27 burpees
power cleans 115/75 95/65
push press 115/75 95/65
21 burpees
power cleans
push press
15 burpees
Warm Up
2 rounds:
200 run
KB halos x 5 each direction
KB strict press x 5 each side
KB windmills x 5 each side
Bottoms up KB carry x 50 feet each side
KB racked reverse lunges x 6 each side
wrist stretches
deadbugs x 10/side slowly
single leg glute bridge hold x 15 seconds/side
shoulder taps x 10/side
yoga push ups x 5
Strength Set
A. press into a jerk 5 x 3 reps
B. power jerk + split jerk x 5 sets of 3+3
"I know how chaos starts"
For time
27 burpees
power cleans 115/75 95/65
push press 115/75 95/65
21 burpees
power cleans
push press
15 burpees
6:00 AMRAP
200m run or 60 seconds jogging high knees or jumping jacks
DUs x 30
DB swings x 5
Rest 2:00
6:00 AMRAP
200m run or 60 seconds jogging high knees or jumping jacks
DUs x 30
DB thrusters x 6 (DB on the right for 3, DB on the left for 3)
Warm up
3 sets
20 frog pumps + 20 second isometric hold at the top of the last rep
8-10 goblet curtsy step down/leg on a box
Strength Super Set
3 sets of:
KB goblet deficit split squat @ 2110 8/side
Cossack squats no weight added @ 30X0
Home Weightlifting with PVC or barbell if you have one to use
clean pull to hold + tall clean + clean + power jerk + split jerk
4 rounds of this complex with 3 reps of each movement
6:00 AMRAP
200m run or 60 seconds jogging high knees or jumping jacks
DUs x 30
DB swings x 5
Rest 2:00
6:00 AMRAP
200m run or 60 seconds jogging high knees or jumping jacks
DUs x 30
DB thrusters x 6 (DB on the right for 3, DB on the left for 3)
Two sets of:
Hollow Body Bounce x 60/80/100 reps
Straight Body Ceiling-reaching Crunches x 10/20/30 reps
Tuck Rock to Tuck Sit x 10/20/30 reps
Hollow Body Side-to-side Rocks x 10/20/30 reps
Hand Plank Arch/Hollow x 10/20/30 reps
Limbo Twist x 10/20/30 reps
WOD- you should have some rest each minute so work hard and fast at each station
15:00 EMOM
min 1- 5 hang power cleans @ 75%
min 2- 10 front squats at the same weight as the power cleans
min 3- standing sled rope pulls x 45 seconds - add 3 plates to the mini sleds
Warm Up
2 rounds
10/8 cals bike or row
10 single leg RDLs (5/each)
10 steps death march https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2o_lal2jpQc
10 lateral box step ups (5/each)
Mobility https://www.instagram.com/p/Bs63CMsAfNe/
T-spine foam roll x 1:00
T-spine extensions x 3-4 extensions on three different spots
T-spine overhead mobilizations x 10 reps
Heel sit thoracic rotations x 10 reps/side
Deep squat progressions x 10 reps with single arm raises only, no standing in between each one
Barbell warm up- empty bar
5 good mornings
5 back squats
5 elbow rotations
5 stiff-legged deadlifts
5 front squats
5 strict press
Skill: cleans
6 sets of clean lift off + power clean + power jerk
set 1-2 @ 60%
set 3-4 @ 65%
set 5-6 @ 70%
WOD- you should have some rest each minute so work hard and fast at each station
15:00 EMOM
min 1- 5 hang power cleans @ 75%
min 2- 10 front squats at the same weight as the power cleans
min 3- standing sled rope pulls x 45 seconds - add 3 plates to the mini sleds