workout of the day
08.16.2023 Member of the Month- Reid
WOD- Member of the Month Reid
Hot Shots 19
6 Rounds For Time
30 Air Squats- synchro
19 Power Cleans 155/105 115/85 95/65
14 Pull-Ups
400 meter Run- together
We are going to do this as a partner wod for Reid's workout. You will perform the air squats together, split the power cleans and pull ups, and run together.
4:00 EMOM
3 power cleans starting at 50% and build over the 4 sets
3 each side reverse lunges
WOD- Member of the Month Reid
Hot Shots 19
6 Rounds For Time
30 Air Squats- synchro
19 Power Cleans 155/105 115/85 95/65
14 Pull-Ups
400 meter Run- together
We are going to do this as a partner wod for Reid's workout. You will perform the air squats together, split the power cleans and pull ups, and run together.
05.15.2023 Partner WOD
"Uno Dos"
Partner Up
part one
8 x sled push 25m each- one push, one walk along- heavy
part two
40 x sandbag clean and throw over a racked barbell.
barbell needs to be close to chest height of pair
A. banded pull throughs- face out from the rig while using the band on the rig to pull through your legs x 15 reps
B. KB behind the back hip hinge x 10 reps https://www.instagram.com/p/BuSV7IphRAN/
C. band pull apart ( yellow mini-band) ISO hip hinge x 10 reps- video is same as above
Wendler week 2 cycle 3
3 reps @ 70%
3 reps @ 80%
3+ reps @ 90%
"Uno Dos"
Partner Up
part one
8 x sled push 25m each- one push, one walk along- heavy
part two
40 x sandbag clean and throw over a racked barbell.
barbell needs to be close to chest height of pair
05.04.19 Hero WOD 'Wes'- partner
Run 800 meters with a 25-lb. plate
Then, 14 rounds of:
10 strict pull-ups
8 burpee box jumps, 24-in. box
6 cleans, 185/125 155/105 125/80 100/55
Then, run 800 meters with a 25-lb. plate
*Everyone runs with 25lb plate, partition reps however you want
*scale the run to unweighted*
U.S. Navy Lt. J. Wesley “Wes” Van Dorn, 29, of Greensboro, North Carolina, died on Jan. 8, 2014, of injuries sustained in a helicopter crash off the coast of Virginia. He was a member of Helicopter Mine Countermeasures Squadron 14 at the Naval Air Station in Norfolk, Virginia.
Van Dorn was a well-rounded and skilled athlete. According to his friends, he “prided himself on his ability to lift huge weight with the big guys and run with the smaller ones.“
Van Dorn is survived by his wife, Nicole; sons, Jaxton and Maddox; parents, Mark and Susan; brother, Max; and sister, Cara.
Run 800 meters with a 25-lb. plate
Then, 14 rounds of:
10 strict pull-ups
8 burpee box jumps, 24-in. box
6 cleans, 185/125 155/105 125/80 100/55
Then, run 800 meters with a 25-lb. plate
*Everyone runs with 25lb plate, partition reps however you want
*scale the run to unweighted*
04.20.19 Partner "Jenkins"
'Jenkins' with a partner
split work, run together- one work, one rest on the reps
AMRAP 40:00
50 burpees
400m run
50 KB swings 24/16kg
400m run
50 pull ups
400m run
50 push ups
400m run
'Jenkins' with a partner
split work, run together- one work, one rest on the reps
AMRAP 40:00
50 burpees
400m run
50 KB swings 24/16kg
400m run
50 pull ups
400m run
50 push ups
400m run
This British Hero WOD was designed by CrossFit NW1 (Conwy, Wales) in memory of member and athlete Lt. Garreth Jenkins of Colwyn Bay, Conwy, who collapsed at the Commando Training Centre, Lympstone, Devon, while on a 30-mile (48km) march on Thursday, May 28, 2015.
Lt Jenkins, who was in his mid-20s, died during the so-called "30-miler" march, the last major test undertaken as part of the 32-week Commando course. Trainees must complete it carrying at least 32lbs (15kg) of equipment in a maximum time of eight hours.