workout of the day

Teresa Briest Teresa Briest


200m run
push ups
150m row or 40 DUs

A.  Gymnastics complex- rest as needed between sets2 sets

1️ HSPU from the box x 2
2️ Walk out to plank and back to stack x 2
3️ Leg raises x1 per leg
4️ Corner walk x1 per corner
5️ Leg raises x1 per leg
6️ HSPU from the box  x 2

TTB skills- one set
A. 3 x 15 seconds hollow hold + 15 seconds arch hold
B. 15 straight leg lifts on the floor
C. 2 x 30 banded lat push downs- open hands
D. 2 x each - 5 kip swings with partner giving a target for feet. 

200m run
push ups
150m row or 40 DUs

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Teresa Briest Teresa Briest


Member of the Month- Alejandro
13:00 AMRAP
15/12 cals row
6 power cleans 155/105 135/95 115/75
9 pull ups or banded pull ups or ring rows

warm up sets 3 reps @ 50%, 60%, 70%, then 2 reps @ 75%, 80%
4 sets of 1 rep @88-90%

Member of the Month- Alejandro
13:00 AMRAP
15/12 cals row
6 power cleans 155/105  135/95  115/75
9 pull ups or banded pull ups or ring rows

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Teresa Briest Teresa Briest


"Maximum Effort"

On a running clock
run 1 mile
max power clean & jerks 135/95
10-13:00 rest
run 800m
max power snatch 115/80
20-23:00 rest
run 400m
max thrusters 95/65

“Maximum Effort"

On a running clock
run 1 mile
max power clean & jerks 135/95
10-13:00 rest
run 800m
max power snatch 115/80
20-23:00 rest
run 400m
max thrusters 95/65

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Teresa Briest Teresa Briest


3 sets for Quality
Romanian Deadlift x 8 reps @40-50% DL max
Sled Push x 25m- add two plates to sled
Turkish Get Up x 2/side 50/35 35/20
Tire Flips x 4 reps

3 Sets For Quality:
- 10 DB Suitcase Deadlifts R Side 50/35
- 100' DB Suitcase Carry R Side 50/35
- 10 DB Suitcase Deadlifts L Side 50/35
- 100' DB Suitcase Carry L Side 50/35
- 45-60 Second Forearm Plank

3 sets for Quality
Romanian Deadlift x 8 reps @40-50% DL max
Sled Push x 25m- add two plates to sled
Turkish Get Up x 2/side  50/35  35/20
Tire Flips x 4 reps

3 Sets For Quality:
- 10 DB Suitcase Deadlifts R Side 50/35
- 100' DB Suitcase Carry R Side 50/35
- 10 DB Suitcase Deadlifts L Side 50/35
- 100' DB Suitcase Carry L Side 50/35
- 45-60 Second Forearm Plank

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Teresa Briest Teresa Briest


"Regan Smith"
For Time with a partner
100 cals bike
25 synchro front squats 115/85. 95/65. 75/55
400m run together
200m sandbag carry 150/100/70
400m run together
25 synchro shoulder to overhead 115/85 95/65. 75/55
100 cals row

reps can be split up however except for the running and the synchro

Mobility- 4 reps each side
1. Lateral Squat to Rotation staying deep in the hips as you drift side to side.
2. Figure Four Contours staying as upright as you can challenging the hips to contour around the ground.
3. Spine Rotations from a wide straddle.
4. Ankle to Hamstring reach getting long overhead.
5. Glute Mobilizations staying square to the ground.

"Regan Smith"
For Time with a partner
100 cals bike
25 synchro front squats  115/85. 95/65. 75/55
400m run together
200m sandbag carry 150/100/70
400m run together
25 synchro shoulder to overhead 115/85  95/65. 75/55
100 cals row
reps can be split up however except for the running and the synchro

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Teresa Briest Teresa Briest


"Katie Ledecky"
4 rounds for time
15 DUs
12 hang power snatch 115/75. 95/65. 75/55
9 wall facing HSPU or piked hspu off box or floor

A. drop snatch 4 x 2-3 reps light
B. snatch balance 4 x 1-2 reps build load
C. hang squat snatch every 1:00 for 8:00
complete one hang squat snatch starting at your 60% and building

"Katie Ledecky"
4 rounds for time
15 DUs
12 hang power snatch 115/75. 95/65. 75/55
9 wall facing HSPU or piked hspu off box or floor

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Teresa Briest Teresa Briest


"Caleb Dressel"
for time
partition however
DB walking lunges- 2 DBs in farmer carry- x 80 reps 50/35. 35/20
TTB x 60 reps
Burpee box jump overs x 40 reps 24/20"

Every 1:15 for 8 sets
2 reps push press @ 80%

"Caleb Dressel"
for time
partition however
DB walking lunges- 2 DBs in farmer carry- x 80 reps  50/35. 35/20
TTB x 60 reps
Burpee box jump overs x 40 reps  24/20"

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